Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The best thing to happen to my writing career. EVER.

Any of you who have been following my blog for awhile know that I applied to the 2010 Writer's in Paradise workshop. For those of you who are new (hi, welcome, thanks for reading!), it's basically a totally awesome workshop run by Dennis Lehane, and includes writers like Anita Shreve, Sheri Reynolds, and a ton of other amazing people. Your piece gets workshopped by the other attendees, and there are nighttime readings with wine and cheese and fancy things. Best of all, it's at Eckerd College, which is super close to my house.

I have been dying to get in. I felt like not getting in would mean that I totally sucked as a writer and just basically failed at life. All day, I've been refreshing my inbox, waiting to see what the verdict would be.

Well, it just came through.

I GOT IN!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm breaking out the dancing banana for this one.

BUT WAIT!!! There's MORE!!

I got a scholarship, too!!! I'm really excited about it! I think that calls for an even BIGGER dancing banana!

The best part about all of this? I'm going to share all of the amazing knowledge I get with YOU, dear readers. The conference starts January 16, and I'll post something every day. I'll also be meeting authors, and there is time built-in for book I sense prizes in the works? I think so.

And that should make all of you feel like this:

And this:

And this (added by suggestion - thanks, Kerry! - and I can't believe I didn't think of it first!):


  1. Congratulations! Heather call me, I got in too! I pm'd you my phone number at nano. Lisa

  2. That is so great!! Congratulations!!

  3. Whoo Hooo! Congrats. Happy for you, and me (since I can sponge off your knowledge AND possibly win prizes). And I think this calls for a: "You Go Girl!"

    Hm. I can't pull that off...even in print. Eh well. :)

  4. Yay congrats!!! I can't wait to read about. Also those videos are hilarious I think Im going to just hang out at your blog for a few minutes and squee and laugh and omg, I need people to dance everyday on my blog!

  5. Very cool! Congratulations! Love that dance from Fresh Prince. My brother still imitates it. Best ever.

  6. Thanks, everyone!

    Lisa - Yay! I emailed you!

    Shannon - Whatever, I think it works! (Although for some reason I keep thinking, "You go, Glenn Cocoa!")

    Frankie - Feel free to stay as long as you like, and you can borrow my dancing friends any time you want.

    Carolina - Uhm, I think I need to see that. You should tape it at the next family gathering and post it on YouTube.

  7. Heather, congrats! I'll look forward to reading all about it. Of course, we want you to get everything you can out of the workshop, so if you end up waiting until afterwards to post a recap, that'd be completely understandable.

  8. Writing workshops offer amazing opportunities and insights into the craft ... Kudos to you!


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