Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday Funday! (42)

Hey! It's Sunday! And I'm not skipping Sunday Funday!

It's also Halloween! I don't know if I'm actually dressing up tonight. Last night, the hubs and I went to a rowdy party, dressed as Mario and Luigi (I was Mario, because I'm shorter and fatter. I'm not being self-deprecating, that really is true.) Tonight, he's heading down to see our little nieces and go trick-or-treating with them, and I'm staying home to watch scary movies with my girlfriends and pass out candy to the massive amounts of children in our neighborhood - so they can spend the next month dropping the wrappers on our lawn while they wait for the buss. Ah, the circle of life.

But enough about me. Let's talk links! Here are some great links from 'round the Interwebz this week: founder and literary agent Mary Kole asks whether you should get an MFA over on her awesome-sauce blog.

Meanwhile, agent Kristen over on Pub Rants discusses the top 10 things she usually finds wrong with a kidslit SF/F query letter.

Stina Lindenblatt has an awesome Q and A with agent Joanna Volpe. Her questions are really different from the usual, "What are you seeing in the slush pile?" type stuff.

Wondering where to find crit partners and readers? Beth Revis, author of the fab-u-lous ACROSS THE UNIVERSE, gives some excellent pointers about where to look - and what to do once you have them.

Shannon Messenger discusses the difference between competition and drive - and explains why kidlit writers are awesome.

Power agent/author Mandy Hubbard shows how one of her clients' query letters evolved to book pitch and finally to back cover copy.

And finally...LOOK AT HOW AWESOME THIS VIDEO IS OMG WOW. (I kind of want to do this in my house. Though I think my dogs would knock the books over before I got any set up. Or they'd just bark at them.)'s good to be back. Have a great week everyone!

And Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link to the crit partners/readers post - it's just what I needed :)


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